
HARBETH DEALER DEMOS! C7ES-3 XD in Tamo Ash ($4400) with Tonträger stands ($1339)

Revival Atalante 5 speakers with stands. Like new trade ins. $4750.

Sugden IA4 integrated amp in Graphite. Like new trade in. $5650

Rega P1 $350

Rega P1 Union Jack, 240v motor upgrade, glass platter, new Goldring E2 cartridge $650

Dynavector SUP-200 step up transformer $2150

Chord Qutest DAC $1250

Jean Marie Reynaud Cantabile loudspeakers in black Like New Demos $4750

Funk Firm LSD turntable in white w/ upgrades! $1600

Heed Obelisk da DAC in white $1100

Thoress Phono Entzerrer phono pre amp $5995

Thoress EHT integrated amp $4995

Naim Fraim Racks! One three shelf in Black and one in Cherry. $1495 each.

A pair of REL Subs with Airship and stands $5500