On the last Friday of the month for well over a year now, my friends throw a Happy Hour. In one of the only basements in Austin several bands play and the evening is wrapped up with The Box Spring Hogs, a very believable Tom Waits tribute band. You never know who will show up but it’s usually excellent. All kinds of music from free jazz, country, punk and heavy metal. Their basement has had more musical legends in it than most bars!

The Yarmigos playing Loudon Wainwright's Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road.

Chris Gates formerly of The Big Boys! One of the best punk bands of the 80's!

The Box Spring Hogs. The best Tom Waits tribute band in the World! If you close your eyes it sounds exactly like him. I do like their version of Mexican American by Cheech & Chong... good stuff!

Bruce Clifford & Co. kicking out the Power Pop!